Osteopathy for Babies & Children

A gentle treatment style to tend to your child’s needs.

As a parent, there is nothing more important than the health and wellbeing of your family. If you have a newborn or young child that’s restless, uncomfortable or feeling pain, it’s understandable that you want it addressed quickly and as safely as possible. 

Many doctors will recommend their young patients to see an Osteopath for a variety of musculoskeletal and nervous system concerns as the techniques used are gentle, effective and non-invasive. 

At Move Easy Health Studio, this is one thing we always assure parents - our treatments for babies and toddlers never involve adjusting or ‘cracking’ and only use gentle approaches.

Why take my baby to see an osteopath?

Bub is feeling uncomfortable, unsettled, hates being in the car or has reflux

This can be caused by a very quick or long/traumatic birth or even your baby’s position in the womb. 

If this is the case, we can help bub to relax by working on reducing any tension in the body and improving mobility in the back, abdomen, hips, diaphragm, cranium or any other area causing your baby discomfort. 

Feeding/latching or neck issues 

These can all be improved using a range of soft tissue treatments like massage and myofascial release. Usually we focus on areas around bub’s neck and mouth however, the best course of treatment will be determined during your first appointment. 


In order to ease constipation we use a combination of: 

  • Visceral manipulation on the intestines. This is a gentle therapy that helps to alleviate abnormal points of tension.

  • Fascial release on the abdomen. This type of therapy is a safe, low-load stretch that helps to relieve tightness and tension that could be causing your baby’s discomfort.  

Anxiety and general unsettling 

Although your baby could be feeling unsettled for a variety of reasons, it can have something to do with your bub’s fight or flight response. 

We try to alleviate this by working on their nervous system. We’ve found this to be a very effective method of treatment with the patient (baby) being a lot calmer and more settled. 

Flat head or misshapen head

Cranial osteopathy can help any baby with a flat or misshapen head. This is a very gentle form of therapy that works on the fascia (a thin layer of connective tissue that holds everything around the body in place) surrounding the cranial bones.

This therapy helps to relieve pressure and mould the bones themselves as your baby grows.

  • Hip pain

  • Back pain

  • Growing pains

Generally, all of these issues can be linked back to a big growth spurt. As your child gets older, sometimes their muscles and ligaments have trouble keeping up with their growth rate. 

We can help to alleviate any pain or discomfort that your child may be experiencing by reducing the tension in the surrounding muscles along with relaxing ligaments and ensuring that their body is properly aligned. 

If your child is over the age of 10, we can consider using more vigorous techniques but this is something that we would discuss with you and your child during an appointment to make sure you’re both happy and comfortable.

  • Knee pain

  • Headaches

  • Sports injuries

Why choose Move Easy Health Studio for your child’s treatment?

With young children of their own, osteopathy for babies and children is something that our osteopaths, Dr Ash Fraser and Dr Jacinta Irby, are very passionate about. 

From their birth, Dr Ash and Dr Jacinta have taken all of their children to an osteopath for a range of things including digestion issues, tongue ties, hip problems and overall fussiness.

It helped them so much that it’s what made them want to focus on treating babies and young children. 

When you visit our Tweed Heads South practice, you’ll be talking to someone who has already been through it all and can give you the most relevant and up-to-date information. 

Our osteopaths understand that those initial days can be rewarding but tough. If you can help the baby become more comfortable and settled, it has a ripple effect onto the whole family. Everyone begins to sleep better, become more relaxed with parenting and are overall happier.

Should I take my baby to an osteopath?

If you believe that osteopathy is something your baby could benefit from or if your baby is experiencing any of the symptoms that we have mentioned above, we encourage you to book an appointment and come in for a chat. To do so, you can call us on 07 5551 4194 or click here to book online.

Osteopathy for children

Most commonly, we see children and their parents in our practice with complaints around: 

What to expect at your child's first appointment

We understand that some infants and children can have anxieties around seeing a doctor or specialist so we try to make our appointments as comfortable as possible. Our practice is not the stereotypical doctor's practice. It feels homely and we ensure that you are with your child at all times which usually makes them feel more comfortable. 

Your first appointment can be broken down into 4 stages: 

1. Talk about their medical history

To ensure your child receives the best possible treatment, we’ll sit down and have a chat about the pain they’re experiencing and any previous injuries, illnesses or traumas that could be contributing to their symptoms.

2. Undergo a physical assessment 

After we have a good understanding about your concerns, we’ll assess any relevant joints, muscles and nerves around the area. 

We try to keep the process fun and relaxed. If your child is old enough, we’ll try to make each assessment feel more like a game like hopping on one foot or jumping up and down to keep them engaged. 

Depending on the extent of the issue, we may need to perform other orthopaedic tests to reach a diagnosis.

3. Create a treatment plan

After your child’s assessment, we will be able to have a discussion around the diagnosis, answer any of your questions and create a treatment plan that fits your lifestyle. It is important to note that your child might need frequent sessions to notice a significant, long-term change. 

4. Start treatment

Depending on your diagnosis, this could include a range of different treatment options. Most of these we have highlighted above however, every treatment is tailored to suit your child’s needs. Even if your child is uncomfortable with all of the treatment styles, it’s completely fine. We have plenty of alternatives and will work with their needs to find the best solution. 

As part of your treatment, we may provide you with some exercise and lifestyle advice. This is because we believe in treating our patients holistically. Making even small changes to your child’s lifestyle can assist with improving their symptoms. 

Following your treatment plan, we will rebook your child’s next treatment at a time that is convenient to you. At your next appointment we’ll be able to gauge their progress, how they’re feeling and continue with their treatment plan. 


  • With three young children of her own, Dr Ashlee understands that new and different environments can make children nervous and will try to make the appointment fun and relaxed to keep your child at ease. We find that if you bring their favourite toys to their appointment it can also help!

  • Yes, you can get a Medicare rebate for Osteopathy. To be eligible, your child will need a coexisting chronic health condition. From here, your GP will be able to provide your child with an EPC (Enhanced Private Care) Plan.

    Once you have an EPC Plan, you will be eligible for a $55.10 rebate on your treatment at Move Easy Osteopathy or from any other eligible provider in Banora Point.

  • At Move Easy Osteo we accept cover from all private health insurance funds. The amount of your rebate will depend on your provider and level of cover.

    If you are uncertain, we recommend that you speak with a representative of your provider.

  • Most patients will need 3-4 weekly sessions to notice a significant change. Usually, your child will start to feel better after 1-2 sessions. However, if the complaint is chronic, they may need more than the average number of sessions.

    After the initial complaint has been resolved, we move you to a preventive treatment plan. We recommend that you pop-in with your child every 4-6 weeks or when you feel it’s necessary.

  • Any relevant medical tests, scan or medication lists. You will also receive an email the day before your appointment with more information on how you can make your bub as comfortable as possible during treatment.